Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Figuratively Tapped on the Shoulder

The following quote was shared in a comment on my (Papa's) blog. I am posting it here as a tribute to Elder DeGraw's choice to serve a mission:

"To every man, there comes in his lifetime, that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents; What a tragedy if that moment should find him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour." -- Sir Winston Churchill

I believe "his finest hour" in his entire life is yet to come - and I hope it will include a very special young woman whom Mama and I love dearly for her willingness to support our son in this decision, but I also believe making the decision to serve this mission constitutes "his finest hour" thus far. I think his friends and "adopted family" have a great argument that he has had many "fine hours" up to this point, and I don't mean to diminsh ANY of the things he has done for others prior to his mission, but this is a major commitment that is not "natural" to him (that he had to view as a "chance offered" in order to do) - and it is that "tapping on the shoulder" by someone other than his friends and family (I believe, by God Himself) that I believe fits this quote so well.


  1. omg! I love you guys so much! Still praying for the day that I can officially join the family hehe.
